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Raemoir Trout Fishery Osprey Update

The female osprey arrived on 1st April this year, with the male following soon afterwards, The Fishery recently learned that the Male was ringed as one of a brood of 3 near Bridge of Cally, Perthshire on 17th July 2000. It was seen subsequently fishing at Mossat Fishery, near Alford, Aberdeenshire in 2011, 2014 and 2017. It’s presence at Raemoir as the male of the breeding pair now suggests he may have shifted nesting locality and partner. He is quite an old bird at 19 years.

The pair successfully reared 2 chicks this year. They all left the fishery towards the end of September on their long journey south to West Africa covering up to 5000 miles.

Pictures by Pedro Pais

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